Prince Lorenzo de’ Medici was born in Catanzaro, Italy in the region of Calabria on November 17, 1975. His father is Alessandro de’ Medici who is descended from the famous Florentine Family. His mother is Kristina Kuharska , a descendant of Polish princes, who gave him a catholic education and inspired the young Lorenzo to apply himself to charitable causes. He graduated in Political Sciences at the University of Salerno and argued his Thesis on the History of the Church.

At a young age, Prince Lorenzo involved himself in humanitarian organizations in Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Namibia where he saw much human suffering caused by diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and AIDS.
He funded the Polish Cemetery in Cassino, building its little Chapel. His family has also restored the Martirano Lombardo Church in Italy. He is a Knight of the Martirano Order and General Prior of the St. Martin of Beatitudes Order.

Among its ancestors, the de’ Medici Family has three Popes: Leo X, Clemente II and Pius IV and two French queens: Mary and Catherine de’ Medici.

Prince Lorenzo de’ Medici has lived in many American and Russian cities where he opened his mind to an international vision of existence and a practical living sense and approach to relationships and culture.

Prince Lorenzo resides in both Rome and Los Angeles with his wife, Rosemary, and baby girl, Maddalena.

His Maxim is: Let’s make the Nobility a useful service to the less fortunate.

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